Ascidia (Chordata: Tunicata) are exclusively marine organisms. They live attached on substrate and may be solitary or colonial forms and , covered by a tunic consisting of material similar to cellulose. They are hermaphrodites with diverse reproduction strategies - and may or may not incubate larva. The taxonomy of this group is divided into three main orders: Aplousobronchia (colonial species, body divided into chest and abdomen, simple white basket, without folds or longitudinal vessels) with 13 valid families, Phlebobronchia - solitary or colonial species with simple oral tentacles simple , pharynx without folds and gonads associated with digestive tract - where 10 families and Stolidobronchia - solitary and colonial stupids with branched oral tentacles, folds in the pharynx and gonads associated with body wall, with only four families established as valid.
general anatomy


Polyclinum molle (A) Herdmania pallida (B).
Fotos: ABertoncini